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Program timeline

Display a Program Timeline based on configuration and allow user to dispatch the data while clicking on timeline


  • tile=programs
  • title
  • action: [Objects]
  • action: post | form.
  • opts: [Objects] Provide a Dispatches Options if action is Post
    • tracker: Provide a tracker I'd
    • user: Provide a user Id
    • swimlane: Provide a swimlane I'd
    • etc...
    • If Action is form then Provide a below options
    • id: valid layout id to display the layout in dispatch form
    • closeBehavior: confirm
    • styles: styles for popup
    • data: shared data
  • query: Valid programs query


  "tile": "programs",
  "title": "program tile Test",
  "query": "current user, programs starting from -6 to +12 months with [active, completed, graduated]",
  "action": {
    "action": "post",
    "opts": {
      "tracker": "7ba9a7b5-c5c8-420e-8c49-58e2c962205d"


    "tile": "programs",
    "title": "program tile Test",
    "query": "current user, programs starting from -6 to +12 months with [active, completed, graduated]",
    "action": {
      "action": "form",
      "opts": {
        "id": "c10737cd-a506-4afb-beeb-5111c08994ea"