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Version 3.0.3097 and above
Settings go into the stream configuration rather than the schema

Participation mode

Participation can be managed via three modes that control who is a participant.

  1. Open - Any user can register a participation
  2. Query - The participants are based on a user query
  3. Managed - The participants are selected manually

Accept rule

Manage who can accept the participation.

Accept as

Allow users to accept as other users. Admin can accept as any user while regular users can only accept as themselves or as a related user. If no query is specified it will default to current user. Example 2 below shows an example of providing different queries for different types of users.

Configuration block

Task state = participants

Configuration options:

  • acceptRule - rule for showing the accept widget
  • mode - open | query | managed
  • acceptAs OR acceptList - see examples below
  • stream - hide | show, default to show, if set to hide, the participantion button will not be displayed in stream

These settings go into stream configuration


Example 1

  "participants": {
    "acceptAs": "current user, related as current",
    "listUsers": "given group [players] sort by last asc",
    "mode": "query",
    "stream": "hide"

Example 2

  "participants": {
    "acceptRule": "true",
    "mode": "open",
    "acceptList": [
        "rule": "user is admin",
        "query": "given group [players]"
        "rule": "true",
        "query": "current user, related as current"

Events - answer (yes, no, undecided) - confirm - like - process - participant (participant, leader, organizer) - bookmark - vote (up, down) - view - response (dispatch ID)

Task state - answer - compelte - confirm - response - flagged

Others: default, draft, enabled, entry, hold, note, step, started, task_state

Task status - escalate - followup - positive - review

Dispatch status - active - deleted