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Display the dashboard with track columns on dashboard.

Below are example of display dashboard open program exception query.

Dashboard configuration in navigation menu.

  "query": "program open from -6 to +12 months",
  "mode": "open",
  "title": "Open programs",
  "programStatsQuery": "program open from -6 to +12 months with [any]",
  "participantQuery": "program open from -6 to +12 months with [any] participant = trainer",
  "programKindGroup": {
    "excludes": [
  "clickedTracker": "1d479591-30e2-495f-8757-211cf2e4ee36"

Dashboard configuration in layout menu

  "classes": {
    "container": "m-0 p-0"
  "rows": [
      "cols": [
          "title": "General dashboard",
          "tile": "statistics",
          "participant": "given program [%program]",
          "query": "given program [%program], all trackers from today to -30 days",
          "isOpen": true,
          "showProgram": false,
          "columns": [
              "show": "programDay"
          "startDate": "user",
          "fields": [
          "dayKey": "participantDay",
          "options": {
            "trackLastViewed": true
          "className": {
            "table": "mt-2"
          "classes": {
            "root": "test"
          "stats": [
              "handles": [
              "title": "Pre program",
              "tracking": "pre-program",
              "icon": "fal fa-clipboard-check"
          "_id": "28"