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Chart - Scatter

Display a charts by not reduced the data for specific axis point.It means allow multiple data points for specific axis label for specific user = [one user have an multiple data points].


  • tile=chartScatter
  • title: Title of chart component
  • connect: [Array of objects]Provide a Data connection objects
  • chart: Any configuration related to chart
    • timeSeries: expression;
    • groupBy: metric or $user
    • title
    • c3:[object] Provide a chart options based on requirements for that follow this one
      • data.type: scatter | bar | line
      • axis.x.tick.format: Any format specifier
      • Want to show the y2 axis or not
      • etc..


  • The below chart represent the single user details with multiple data points on specific axis. Image

Sample Code

  "tile": "chartScatter",
  "title": "Attack Graph",
  "display": {
    "span": "12",
    "dSpan": 12
  "chart": {
    "timeSeries": "YYYY-MM-DD; YYYY-MM-DD; P1D; day",
    "title": "Attack Data",
    "groupBy": "$user",
    "c3": {
      "data.type": "scatter",
      "size.height": 250,
      "xxxdata.labels": true,
      "axis.x.tick.format": "%b-%d",
      "": true,
      "": "true",
      "": "true",
      "": "true",
      "axis.y.min": 1,
      "axis.y.max": 22,
      "xxxcolor.pattern": [
  "connect": [
      "title": "発作",
      "source": "current-general",
      "pick": "values.sleep",
      "format": "0,0",
      "condition": "values.sleep exists",
      "tableData": {
        "id": 0

DataSources Config

  "dataSources": [
      "id": "current-general",
      "query": "current user, given tracker [chart-testing] from 2021-12-01 to 2022-02-25"


  • The below chart represent the multiple user details with multiple data points on specific axis with grouping by users. Image

Sample Code

  "tile": "chartScatter",
  "title": "Test Graph",
  "display": {
    "span": "12",
    "dSpan": 12
  "chart": {
    "title": "Test Data",
    "groupBy": "$user",
    "type": "category",
    "c3": {
      "axis.x.type": "category",
      "data.type": "scatter",
      "size.height": 250,
      "xxxdata.labels": true,
      "": true,
      "": "true",
      "": "true",
      "": "true",
      "axis.y.min": 1,
      "axis.y.max": 22,
      "xxxcolor.pattern": [
  "connect": [
      "title": "発作",
      "source": "general",
      "pick": "values.sleep",
      "format": "0,0",
      "condition": "values.sleep exists",
      "tableData": {
        "id": 0

DataSources Config

  "dataSources": [
      "id": "general",
      "query": "given tracker[chart-testing] from 2021-12-01 to 2022-02-25"


  • The below chart represent the multiple user details with multiple data points on specific axis with grouping by metric. Image

Sample Code

  "tile": "chartScatter",
  "title": "Attack Graph",
  "display": {
    "span": "12",
    "dSpan": 12
  "chart": {
    "title": "Attack Data",
    "groupBy": "sleep",
    "type": "category",
    "c3": {
      "axis.x.type": "category",
      "data.type": "scatter",
      "size.height": 250,
      "xxxdata.labels": true,
      "": true,
      "": "true",
      "": "true",
      "": "true",
      "axis.y.min": 1,
      "xxxcolor.pattern": [
  "connect": [
      "title": "発作",
      "source": "general",
      "pick": "values.sleep",
      "format": "0,0",
      "condition": "values.sleep exists",
      "tableData": {
        "id": 0

DataSources Config

  "dataSources": [
      "id": "general",
      "query": "given tracker[chart-testing] from 2021-12-01 to 2022-02-25"