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We can tied "action" to Behavior, Layout, or Widget components. Actions required target, and additional options can be feeded into options parameter. Action could also be conditional, we can apply rule to when this action can appear by defining condition.rule parameter.

Actions below can be used as onClick.

   "onClick": {
      "target": ":: Action ::",
      "options": {
         "foo": "one",
         "bar": "two"
      "condition": {
         "rule": "data.someKey exists"
  • viewMedia

General options

Properties Description
splash configure splash effect
splash.variant standard - use splash effect
splash.background optional background color for the splash
splash.accent optional accent for the splash
options.close boolean; close context when action completes
options.validation validation


Validation allows a rule and message to check before executing the action.

   "options:" {
      "validation": {
        "rule": "data.address exists",
        "message": "Please provide a valid address"



Vibrate the device

Properties Description
options.haptic light | medium | heavy | selection


Play a sound

Properties Description audio sound id

Audio sounds available:

  • bell-1, bell-2
  • error-1
  • gong-1,
  • happy-1
  • notice-1, notice-2, notice-3, notice-4, notice-5, notice-6, notice-7
  • notify
  • receive-1, receive-2
  • send-1
  • success-1, success-2, success-3, success-4, success-5
  • timer-checkpoint, timer-complete, timer-ending, timer-ends, timer-start
  • whoosh-1, whoosh-2, whoosh-3

Content status dirty / pristine

Set content status

Properties Description
options.notify dirty | pristine


Update attributes of an entity

Properties Description
target updateAttributes id of the entity to be update
options.path path of attribute to be updated, e.g. $.profile a map of key/value pair of data to be updated


   "component": "button",
   "text": "Save",
   "onClick": {
      "target": "updateAttributes",
      "options": {
         "id": "{}",
         "path": "$.profile",
         "data": {
            "jersey": "{data.attributes.profile.jersey}",
            "name": "{}"


  • invokeScript - invoke a server side script (Lua
  • dynamic - run a client side script (Hetu

Invoke Script


Properties Description
options.handle Script to invoke All additional properties will be sent to the script as parameters
   target: "invokeScript",
   options: {
      "handle": "test-script"   

Client side script


Properties Description
options.body Script to run

Language reference available at Hetu


  • createDispatch - create a new post (dispatch)
  • editDispatch - edit an existing post
  • viewDispatch - view an existing post
  • deleteDispatch - delete an existing post
  • createOrView | createOrUpdate - create a new post or view / edit the existing post
  • submitTrackerDispatch - submit action when using tracker widget with form = inline
  • viewOrLayout - view an existing post or go to a layout


Supported by createDispatch | createOrView | createOrUpdate

Properties Description Dispatch id dispatch date
options.accountId Account id
options.tracker Tracker id or handle
options.swimlane Swimlane handle
options.recipient Recipient user id
options.recipients list of recipients ids
options.accountId dispatch author account id
options.showDate true / false; show date date for the dispatch; if not provided will use the context date
options.mode interactive (default) | silent Seed data to pass to the dispatch; use data! if values should overwrite edit
options.refreshPage true / false; refresh page
options.programStatus program status for display
options.programId program id
options.serviceId service id for unique dispatch creation
options.bucketInfo bucket id to automatically add to dispatch bucket
options.batchId batch id for series creation
options.linkedId linked dispatch id
options.allow options for type of attachments to allow: photo, video, file, audio
options.____ camera, library, or choose, see media action mode below

Media actions

Mode Description
camera launch camera and take a photo
library launch library for user to select photo
choose launch bottom menu that let user chooser camera or library


Properties Description Dispatch id
options.allowSidebar Edit mode; allow side bar menu
options.showDate true / false; show date Seed data to pass to the dispatch; use data! if values should overwrite edit
options.refreshPage true / false; refresh page


Properties Description Dispatch id
options.showTitle true or false, default to true
options.showCommentBar true or false, default to true
options.showSideBar true or false, default to true
options.styles map additional styles for the container


   "onClick": {
      "target": "createDispatch",
      "options": {
         "tracker": "<tracker id or handle>",
         "features": {...},
         "showDate": true/false,
         "refreshPage": true/false,
         ...same options as Create Dispatch menu

View or layout

Supported by viewOrLayout

Properties Description
options.dispatchId Dispatch id
Layout options If dispatch id is null
Dispatch view options If dispatch id is present


Supported by addDispatchLabel | removeDispatchLabel

Properties Description
options.dispatchId Dispatch id
options.handle Label to add or remove

User / org context

  • changeOrg - change org
  • editAvatar - edit user avatar
  • editProfile - edit context user profile
  • editAccount - edit account profile
  • changeUser - change context user (restricted to approved related users)
  • resetUserContext - reset to session user
  • restartSession - restart session by reload org, groups, etc., can be used when user groups is changed
  • createOrUpdateRelatedUser - create or update related user (e.g. children)
  • removeRelatedUser - remove related user

Change user


Properties Description
options.user user id to switch context to, if not provided, we are using the current widget user context (which can be different from the page user context)
options.persistence how persistence is the changed user context (session or restart, default to restart). When set to session, the user context only survive session and will not survive restart.

Change org


Properties Description
target changeOrg id of the org we want to switch to


  • payment
  • manageSubscription: manage InApp subscription using appropriate store

Screens and menus

  • layout - open a layout in a new screen
  • popup - open a layout in a popup
  • openBrowser - open a web page
  • popupMessage - show a modal dialog
  • bottomActions - - show a bottom menu
  • display - hide or show the current component
  • menu - display a menu
  • wiki - open a wiki page
  • chat - open chat



Properties Description Id or handle for the layout
options.transition slide, fade - default is fade
options.dispatchId dispatch id
options.parameters optional, JSON block of arguments for the page; available at the root
options.title optional string, title of appbar
options.confirm true or false, default to false, if true, when user pressed the exit button, user will be asked to confirm
options.timer optional string, if defined, will start a timer using this value as id of the timer
options.styles.padding padding for the container wrapper (default to 10px), eg. "padding": "10px 20px" or "padding": "10px"
options.styles.backgroundColor optional backgrdound color
options.styles.systemOverlayStyle light or dark (default to null)
options.styles.appBar.visibility show or hide, default to show
options.styles.appBar.backgroundColor background color for the app bar
options.styles.appBar.icon.text icon used in place of default app bar leading icon
options.styles.appBar.icon.color color used in place of default color for the app bar leading icon
options.styles.appBar.cancel.text if options.confirm is true, cancel action text, default to KEEP EDITING
options.styles.appBar.cancel.icon if options.confirm is true, cancel action icon, default o reply icon
options.styles.appBar.timer if set to show, will display timer as time in the header/app bar


"onClick": {
   "target": "popup",
   "options": {
   "parameters": "{data.$}",
   "id": "workout-info"


  • Scheduled local notifications


Properties Description
options.title title to display in the notification
options.body body to display ISO date time string; if no timezone is specified it will be the local timezone for the user


  "component": "button",
  "kind": "primary",
  "text": "Test scheduler",
  "onClick": {
    "target": "scheduleReminder",
    "options": {
      "title": "You have a session starting now",
      "body": "Your session with some person",
      "at": "2024-03-04 17:32:00"


  • Update state

Update state


Properties Description
options.update list of map with "key" and "value" if provided, we notify listeners with the provided id of changed so listeners can choose what to do
options.mode if set to global, update top most level parent page

Update state listener

Any widget that wants to subscribe to changes made by updateState

Properties Description listen to changes made by the specific id



   "target": "updateState",
   "options": {
      "update": [
            "key": "someKey",
            "value": "someValue"
      "notify": {
         "id": "selected-waypoint"


  • incrementStep
  • decrementStep
  • resetStep
  • updateStep
  • mergeStep

Options will update the stepper state.


  • advanceInbox - advance an workflow step
  • updateInboxStatus - update inbox status



Properties Description inbox id
options.from from step to step

Update status


Properties Description inbox id
options.status deleted, archived, active


Advancing an inbox step with id of id, from from step to to step.

   "onClick": {
      "target": "advanceInbox",
      "options": {
         "id": "123a-4567-..."
         "from": "start",
         "to": "finish"

Utility and app navigation

  • media - trigger media action (camera to take picture, library, choose)
  • clipboard - copy content to clipboard
  • primary - navigate to a primary tab
  • secondary - navigate to secondary menu option
  • messageEvent - send a message evant
  • updateState - update state for the current context
  • scan - scan QR code

Video calls

  • meeting

Map features

  • navigate - open map to address or long/lat coordinates
  • shareLocation - share user current location (for user with map) where user location will be displayed on a map


    "component": "grid",
    "options": {
        "listen": {
            "id": "selected-waypoint",
            "autofocus": true



Properties Description
options.source template to evaluate and place in device clipboard, if not provided copy widget's text
options.duration duration in ms to display copied message
options.message message to display as snackbar when content is copied


Manage subscription


Properties Description
options.sku subscription's id
options.package app packag name


Properties Description
options.mode coordinates or address. If coordinates, longitude and latitude must be provided. If address, provide the address
options.longitude required if mode is coorindates
options.latitude required if mode is coorindates
options.address required if mode is address
options.directionMode driving, walking, transit, bicycling
options.allowInAppNavigation boolean, default to false, if true, allow use of in app navigation
options.channelId string, location sharing channel id, if exists will send user location to this channel as well as subscribe to this channel for other users location update ad placement, valid values are top, bottom, ads only would appear if this is configured, default to no ads minimum height for ads, default to 80px maximum height for ads, default to 120px rule to evaluate of when to show ads, if not defined, show ads


Display a bottom sheet

Properties Description layout id
options.margin margin for the bottom sheet
options.dispatchId dispatch id
options.parameters optional, json block of arguments for the page

Message event


Properties Description
options.eventName Event to send
options.targetId optional; target component optional; data to send


dispatchDeleted | dispatchUpdated | dispatchListUpdated | dispatchActionStatusUpdated | dispatchMetricReset | profileUpdated | orgChanged | packetDeleted | packetUpdated | sendPacket | incomingPacket | insertThreadPacket | dispatchSaveSucceed | toggleUserDirectory | addUserDirectoryUser | toggleRequireResponse | dispatchResponseUpdate | layoutDataChanged | bucketDataChanged | newForumAnswer | newForumComment | dispatchCommentTap | dispatchForum | dispatchLatestChange | inboxLatestChange | votingChanged | navigationChange | dispatchFlowSelection | dispatchFlowAdvance | attachmentUploadStarted | filterChanged | shareStart | shareStop | tabNavigationChanged | trackerMetricChanged | channelChanged | refreshSource | notifySink | notifySource | dateChanged


Create / update user trigger

Create or update user trigger ("target": "createOrUpdateUserTrigger target")


Properties Description
id (optional) id of the trigger, if exists this is an update, if not exists, a new trigger will be created
name name of current trigger
description description of trigger
behaviorKind script, workflow
behaviorId behavior id
behaviorHandle behavior handle
triggerKind trigger kind, action, group, inbox, label, meeting, moderation, participant, payment, schedule, tracker, tunnel, user
triggerHandle trigger handle
status trigger status (active, retired)
cron the schedule time in min hour day month weekday format
timezone timezone
forUser the user id of the user that this trigger is for
"onClick": {
   "target": "createOrUpdateUserTrigger",
   "options": {
      "id": "496a57dc-60e7-4403-af27-718a64a471cc",
      "name": "foobar",
      "description": "do something",
      "status": "active"

Remove user trigger


Remove a user trigger ("target":"removeUserTrigger")

Properties Description
id (required) id of the trigger that you want to remove
forUser user id
"onClick": {
   "target": "removeUserTrigger",
   "options": {
      "id": "496a57dc-60e7-4403-af27-718a64a471cc",
  • popupMessage
    • options: map
      • text: message to display


  • scan
    • behavior: script | (...) - behavior to run with the scan result
    • handle: handle of the behavior to run


  • wiki
    • options must include wiki page id


  • chat
    • options: map
      • id: chat channel id
      • userId: user Id for DM
      • kind: channel kind of self, direct, dispatch, ad-hoc, org, group, managed, inbox; optional if id is provided

Bottom Actions

  • bottomActions
    • options: map
    • actions: list of actions
      • icon: icon to display
      • text: label/text of the action
      • color: optional hex string, default to black
      • action: any of the actions listed here (invokeScript, etc)

Share location

  • shareLocation: share user current location (for user with map) where user location will be displayed on a map
    • options
    • channelId: location data channel id where we will send location to
    • notifyMode: all, none, some, followers, channel
    • notifyUsers: list of users id if notifyMode is some
    • warningMessage: message to display before actually share user live location
    • updateInterval: how often should we updated user live location (in seconds), default to 30 seconds


  • display: hide or show the current component
  • options
    • value: hide, show

Edit account

  • editAccount: edit account profile
    • id: account id

Edit avatar

  • editAvatar: edit user avatar
    • id: user id to edit
  • createOrUpdateRelatedUser: create or edit related user
  • id: optional, related user id to edit
  • email: user email
  • first: user first
  • last: user last
  • name: user name
  • gender: user geneder (male, female, other)
  • genderDetail: if gender is other, this value will identify the gender of the user
  • dob: user date of birth
  • group: group handle that user should be assigned to
  • relation (or child): relationship

  • removeRelatedUser: remove related user options

  • id: related user to remove
  • confirm: Optional confirm message


  • secondary
  • route: one of available route names

Supported routes

  • chat
  • channelList
  • managedChannels
  • groupChannelList
  • dispatchChannel
  • inboxEntries
  • editAccount (requires account id)
  • editProfile
  • about
  • search
  • stream

Bottom actions

   "onClick": {
      "target": "bottomActions",
      "options": {
         "actions": [
               "icon": "far fa-check",
               "text": "Approve",
               "onClick": {
                  "target": "invokeScript",
                  "options": {
                     "handle": "someScriptHandle",
                     "bucketName": "approved",
                     "campaignId": "<some id>",
                     "dispatchId": "<some dispatch id>"
               "icon": "far fa-xmark",
               "text": "Decline",
               "color": "#ff0000",
               "onClick": {
                  "target": "invokeScript",
                  "options": {
                     "handle": "someScriptHandle",
                     "bucketName": "declined",
                     "campaignId": "<some id>",
                     "dispatchId": "<some dispatch id>"
               "icon": "far fa-xmark",
               "text": "Cancel"         


   "onClick": {
      "target": "chat",
      "options": {
         "channelId": "<chat channel id>"

Change user

  "onClick": {
   "target": "changeUser",
   "options": {
      "user": "<user id>",
      "persistence": "restart"

Reset user context

   "onClick": {
      "target": "resetUserContext"


   "onClick": {
      "target": "close"

Conditional actions

Apply different actions to the same widget pending on condition

"onClick": {
  "doA": {
    "condition": {
      "rule": "$ exists"
    "onClick": {
      "target": "viewDispatch",
      "options": {
        "id": "{}"
  "doB": {
    "condition": {
      "rule": "$ undefined"
    "onClick": {
      "target": "createDispatch",
      "options": {
        "tracker": "1234....."


   "onClick": {
      "target": "editDispatch",
      "options": {
         "id": "<dispatch id>",
         "refreshPage": true/false,

Edit avatar

   "onClick": {
      "target": "editAvatar",
      "options": {
         "id": "{}"


   "onClick": {
      "target": "insomnia",
      "options": {
         "wake": true


   "onClick": {
      "target": "invokeScript",
      "options": {
         "handle": "<script handle>",
         ...other options for scripting


Launch a layout and passing parameters to the layout, parameters are available via data.param...

   "onClick": {
      "target": "layout",
      "options": {
         "id": "<layout id>",
         "parameters": {
            ...params for layout


   "onClick": {
      "target": "meeting",
      "options": {
   "onClick": {
      "target": "menu",
      "options": {
         "actions": [
               "icon": "<icon name>",
               "label": "<label for the icon>",
               "target": "<action target>",
               "options": {
                  ...any of the actions options


   "onClick": {
      "target": "messageEvent",
      "options": {
         "eventName": "<name of event>", data
   "onClick": {
      "target": "navigate",
      "options": {
         "mode": "coordinates",
         "longitude": -45.123,
         "latitude": 44.1463


   "onClick": {
      "target": "openBrowser",
      "options": {
         "url": "<url to launch>"


"onClick": {
  "target": "payment",
  "options": {
    "title": "Checkout",
    "message": {
      "confirmTitle": "Confirm your order",
      "confirmBody": "Subtotal: {|numeral:$0.00}",
      "thankyou": "Payment is processed!"
    "backgroundColor": "#333",
    "data": {
      "amount": "{}",
      "ccy": "USD",
      "symbol": "$"
    "save": {
      "tracker": "6a8a5db9-ab7d-4b5a-b488-38458cd21c71",
      "body": "Your order is submitted!",
      "description": "The glam daily cart checkout"
    "providers": [
        "providerName": "Stripe",
        "key": "pk_test_CyocRGjl6i8mTTpydniZVujq",
        "handle": "stripe-test"

Dislay a layout as a popup

   "target": "popup",
   "onClick": {
      "target": "popup",
      "options": {
         "id": "campaign-user-detail",
         "dispatchId": "{}",
         "backgroundColor": "#F6E8FF"
   "onClick": {
      "target": "popupMessage",
      "options": {
         "text": "some message to display"

Share location

   "onClick": {
      "target": "shareLocation",
      "options": {
         "channelId": "75e9ae06-42b7-4bc0-88d0-0efb52caa9c4",
         "notifyMode": "some",
         "warningMessage": "You are about to share your live location with everyone who are on this trip",
         "notifyUsers": [

Tracker layout

Create dispatch layout using tracker widget

"onClick": {
  "target": "layout",
  "options": {
    "id": "campaign-apply",
    "hideAppBar": true

Tracker layout (edit)

Edit dispatch layout using tracker widget. Please note that the same layout can be used for edit or create. By passing dispatch, the layout will knows to open the dispatch in edit mode.

"onClick": {
  "target": "layout",
  "options": {
    "id": "campaign-apply",
    "dispatchId": "{data.dispatchId}",
    "hideAppBar": true,
    "parameters": {
      "campaignId": "{values.campaignId}"


   "onClick": {
      "target": "viewDispatch",
      "options": {
         "id": "<dispatch id>",
         "showTitle": true,
         "showCommentBar": true,
         "showSideBar": true,
         "styles: {
            "backgroundColor": "<color>"


   "onClick": {
      "target": "wiki",
      "options": {
         "id": "<some wiki page id>"


  "component": "grid",
  "direction": "column",
  "justifyContent": "center",
  "alignItems": "center",
  "description": "Timer",
  "styles": {
    "backgroundColor": "#aaffffff",
    "height": "50vw",
    "width": "66vw",
    "borderRadius": "30px",
    "margin": "0 20px"
  "onClick": {
    "target": "dynamic",
    "options": {
      "body": "external fun at\nexternal fun call\nvar s = at(\"ws.set\", 1, 'int')\nvar m = at(\"$.final.sets\", 1, 'int')\nif ( s < m ) {\n  call('updateStep', {'set': s + 1})\n} else {\n  call('incrementStep', {})\n}"