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Schedule view


Display a user schedule based on configuration.


  • tile: scheduleView
  • title
  • options: [Object]
    • rootClasses: Provide a Classes for the root
    • hideSwitch: true | false. Indicate display a [grid | list] switch in scheduleView or not.
    • startingView: Grid | list.
  • filter: [Object]
    • tracker: Provide a tracker handle to filter out the data
    • match: Provide a Match criteria in terms of time expression
    • trackers: [Array] Provide a list of trackers hand
    • condition: Provide a Valid condition rule
    • entryCondition:
  • completions: [Object]
    • tracker: Provide a tracker handle to filter out the data
    • match: Provide a Match criteria in terms of time expression
    • trackers: [Array] Provide a list of trackers hand
    • condition: Provide a Valid condition rule
    • entryCondition:
  • connect: [connection objects]
    • source: Data Source path
  • addSchedule: [Object]
    • tracker: Provide a tracker id for which want add schedule
  • action: [Array]
    • merge: [Array of Objects]
      • $range : [Array]
    • tracker: Provide a tracker handle to for dispatching data when click on schedule
  • schedule: [Array of objects]
    • icon: Provide a icon to-be display in the menu list
    • color:
    • attribute: Provide a tracker attribute
    • title
    • prefix
    • direction
    • tracker: Provide a tracker handle for the dispatches
    • chart: Provide a charts name
    • chartAttribute
    • chartTitle
    • complete: complete criteria
    • fail
    • start
    • startActual: Provide a text for the Actual
    • startPlanned: Provide a text for the Planned
    • mapping
    • failed
    • iconPending
    • iconComplete
    • iconProgress
    • colorRules: [Object] Provide a color based on rule.
      • rule: Valid Conditional Rule
      • color: Valid Color code
    • displayId
    • iconAdhoc


  "tile": "scheduleView",
  "contextMenu": "594f17cb-def7-4acd-8296-614278dfc2da",
  "options": {
    "rootClasses": "mx-2",
    "hideSwitch": true,
    "startingView": "grid"
  "filter": {
    "tracker": "wellness",
    "match": "YYYY-MM-DD"
  "completions": {
    "trackers": [
    "match": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "iconComplete": "fal fa-check-square",
    "iconPending": "fal fa-square",
    "titlePlanned": "予定",
    "titleActual": "実情"
  "connect": {
    "source": "$store"
  "addSchedule": {
    "tracker": "schedule"
  "action": {
    "tracker": "schedule",
    "merge": {
      "$range": [
  "schedule": [
      "title": "朝食",
      "tracker": "medicine-entry",
      "attribute": "breakfast",
      "icon": "fal fa-coffee",
      "color": "#d60000",
      "chart": "donut",
      "complete": "values.medicineName is exists"
      "title": "仕事",
      "attribute": "work",
      "tracker": "medicine-entry",
      "icon": "fal fa-briefcase",
      "color": "#ffc000",
      "chart": "donut",
      "iconProgress": "fal fa-square",
      "complete": "values.medicineName is exists"


Here for contextMenu need to create a context from admin -> navigation -> context -> contextId. In which describe all the menu list which you want to display when click on the scheduleView.

  "list": [
      "resource": "",
      "target": "post",
      "icon": "fad fa-house-day",
      "options": {
        "tracker": "wellness"
      "title": "Wellness",
      "condition": "true",
      "_id": "68"
      "resource": "",
      "target": "post",
      "icon": "fad fa-house-day",
      "options": {
        "tracker": "user-details"
      "title": "User Details",
      "_id": "337",
      "condition": "true"