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Profile popup

The profile popup configuration.

Available actions

Target Description
mobile Mobile phone
email Email
follow Follow user
profile Visit the users profile page
managedChannel Open managed channel with user; requires managed channel id
chat Open direct chat with user

Available tabs

  1. program
  2. programs
  3. admin-labels
  4. devices
  5. statistics
  6. layout
  7. activity
  8. dispatches
  9. attributes
  10. groups
  11. edit
  12. labels
  13. self
  14. admin
  15. dispatch-properties
  16. program-tickets

General syntax

Tab component syntax for all tabs. Either show or condition can be used to determine when the tab is visible.

    "title": "Title",
    "condition": ".. optional rule ..",
    "show": "always"|"admin"|"self"|"other"|"self-or-admin",
    "display": "..component..",
    "options": {
        ... options ...


Styles can be set for the native version:



    .. other attributes ..
    "display": "layout",
    "options": {
        "layoutId": "..valid uuid"


    .. other attributes ..
    "display": "statistics",
    "options": {
        "stats": [
            "title": "Last 30 days",
            "query": "...",
            "lines": [
                "handles": ["journal"],
                "title": "Journal entries",
                "icon": "fal fa-pen"
                "handles": ["workout"],
                "title": "Workout sessions",
                "icon": "fal fa-weight-hanging"