Object with the following properties:
- pre
- program
- days
- variants
- stats
- id
- cardColor
- cardImage: attachment
- gradientStart
- gradientEnd
- singleTitle
- groupTitle
- single: day object array
- grouped: day object array
Day object
- title
- subtitle
- variant
- count
- over: allow |
- cronMask: optional; cron expression to match
- taskIcon
- taskIconComplete
- taskImage: attachment
- lock
- lockFor: everyone | users
- startFrom: number for minimum day; default is -5
- dashboard
- primary
- diet
- markupMarker
- prep
- handle
- description
- filter: string array
- dataSource
- tracker
- dateMatch
- lock: match__, period__
- action:
- count: week counts
- trackers: handle list
- title
- icon
- singleTitle
- groupTitle
- single: day object array
- grouped: day object array
Diet rules
marker.rules.{rule, action}
Program object
- baseName
- baseHandle
- cohortId
- cohortName
- programGroup
- programKind
- name
- mode
- jsonBase
- duration: Integer
- meta
- date: YYYY-MM-DD
- future: boolean
- isCompleted: boolean
- isPreprogram: boolean
- programDay: the viewed day
- todayIs: today's day
- id
- active: is this program currently active
- viewingIsFuture: (added for diet)
- viewingDay: (viewed day for diet)