Program Setup Steps:-
Follow the below steps to set up a program dashboard in any org.
- Create a group in admin -> groups -> group[Add a user to that particular group]
- Create Program and setup require configuration. admin -> programs[Note: Update the program kind at latest stage]
- Create a content. admin -> content[setup a content data based on requirements]. [Note: Enable a security group]
- Create a designer from admin -> designer[Note: Enable a security group] and link a content and designer using the content id.
- Link the designer to programs. admin -> programs -> program kind.[Provide a programs day in designer and link with it programs]
- Set up a clipboard in navigation menu for web and mobile for example below. Here Provide an id for designer to display the card.
{ "title": "Clipboard", "icon": "far fa-clipboard", "target": "experimental", "options": { "id": "e89a4b59-7217-4c5b-b79d-59513ecb3101" }, "_id": "33" }
- Set up a relevant tracker which is using in tracking variant of designer for program day dispatches.
- Added a user to programs to show the program to that user.[Note: If not add a user in program that program is not visible to anyone.]
- Below are the steps to add the user to program
- admin -> Program -> userList
- Below are the steps to add the user to program
- Also setup rule within admin -> designer -> program Definition like image