Style unit
Style units can be numeric or string. If numeric it will be measured as pixels. Otherwise, specify unit in a string, e.g. 100px
, or 1.5em
, etc.
Styles object
Styles to be applied to the object and/or children. Local styles will override any global styles. Some tile will not used some of the styles as it would caused a redundancy.
Name | Description |
height | height in pixel for the object, e.g. "height": "100px" , if there's platform specific, add platform suffix, e.g. "height-css": "100vh" |
width | height in pixel for the object, e.g. "height": "100px" |
color | color |
margin | margin, subset of css (top right bottom left), e.g 10px 5px 10px 5px |
padding | padding, subset of css (top right bottom left) |
padding[Location] | paddingTop, paddingRight, etc. |
margin[Location] | marginTop, marginRight, etc. |
border | border, subset of css, e.g. "border": "1px solid #ff0000" or "border": "solid" |
borderLeft, borderRight, ... | side specific border |
borderRadius | radi for the border, e.g. "borderRadius": "10px" or "borderRadius": "10px 25px" or "borderRadius": "10px 25px 10px 25px" . See |
backgroundColor | background color |
boxShadow | xoffset yoffset blur? spread? color normal |
fontSize | Font size |
lineHeight | Line height multiplier where 1.0 is 1x the natural height of the text, 1.5 is 50% larger, ect. |
fontFamily | SourceSansSerif, OpenSans, NotoSansJP, MochiyPopOne, Lato, RecoletaAltSemiBold, GothamBold, GothamBook |
transform | transform object |
backgroundImage | image url |
backgroundImageFit | cover, contain, fill, fitWidth, fitHeight |
backgroundImageAlignment | center, centerLeft, centerRight, topRight, topCenter, ... |
backgroundImageResize | optimize - if set will optimize size for device |
gradientByName | gradient fill using named gradients found at |
alignment | topLeft, topCenter, topRight, centerLeft, center, centerRight, bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight |
shadow | Drop shaddow for text; object |
decoration | strikethrough, underline, overline |
textScaling | default, none; if set to none the text will not become larger if large fonts are enabled |
Shadow objects
- offset: x, y offset
- blur = bur px
- color = hex color
Transform objects
- kind: translate, rotationX, rotationY, skewX, skewY
- translate = x, y, z
- rotationX, rotationY = radians
- skew, skewX, skewY = alpha, beta
Style example
"styles": {
"root": {
"backgroundColor": "#fff"
"element1": {
"boder": "1px solid #ddd"
"classes": {
"root": "text-left"