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Utility functions for working in Lua.



Functions similar to the standard lua require function but takes a script id. It will evaluate the script and can be used to share functions between scripts.

  • id:Uuid script id
  • Boolean true if found, false if not



Returns the length of a table. The # notation can also be used as #listVar.

  • table:String input table
  • Number number of items in the table


get(table, path)

Get an item from a table using a dot notation path.

  • table:Table input table
  • path:String dot notation path
  • Any item at the path or nil

First, Last, At

at(table, key)

Get the first, last or specific item from a table.

  • table:Table input table
  • key:Any numeric index or string key
  • Any first item from the table or nil



Get a parameter from the enviroment.

  • path:String path to the parameter
  • Any Item available at that path or nil


mock(path, value)

Add a parameter to the enviroment for testing purposes; if there are actual environment values they will override the parameters supplied to mock.

  • path:String path to the enviroment
  • value:Any any value

No return value


random(low, high)

Return a random value between low and high

  • low:Integer lower limit inclusive
  • high:Integer upper limit exclusive
  • Integer Random value



Convert a JSON string to a Lua table.

  • text:String string as serialized JSON
  • Table Lua table



Convert a Lua table to a serialized JSON string

  • table:Table Lua table
  • String serialized JSON string with either an object or JSON scalar as root



Convert a Lua table to a serialized JSON Array string

  • table:Table Lua table
  • String serialized JSON string with an Array as root



Sleeps for a period of time. The Sleep function can be used to throttle script behavior or allow reads to catch up with writes.

  • There can be 50-100 ms delay between writing values and them being available for read.
  • If the script consumes all available allocated CPU for an extended period it will be terminated.

If the script processes a very large list of data and contains many read or write requests use Sleep to keep the script from consuming all available resources.

  • ms:Number milliseconds to sleep for

No return value



Convert a string to a date.

  • value:String parseable string representing a date in ISO8601 format



FormatDate(value, format)

Parse a string in ISO8601 format to a date and then format for usage. Use the following date formats. Some example ISO8601 strings include 2008-03-01, 20080301 and 2008-03-01T13:00:00Z.

  • value:String parseable string representing a date in ISO8601 format
  • format:String date format

Note that the format is now Java Time rather than Joda. Old format for reference.



ParseDateTime(str, format)

Parse a string into an ISO date time string

  • str:String string in any readable date time format
  • format:String format the str parameter is in

Date in ISO8601 format

Symbol  Meaning                      Presentation  Examples
------  -------                      ------------  -------
G       era                          text          AD
C       century of era (>=0)         number        20
Y       year of era (>=0)            year          1996

x       weekyear                     year          1996
w       week of weekyear             number        27
e       day of week                  number        2
E       day of week                  text          Tuesday; Tue

y       year                         year          1996
D       day of year                  number        189
M       month of year                month         July; Jul; 07
d       day of month                 number        10

a       halfday of day               text          PM
K       hour of halfday (0~11)       number        0
h       clockhour of halfday (1~12)  number        12

H       hour of day (0~23)           number        0
k       clockhour of day (1~24)      number        24
m       minute of hour               number        30
s       second of minute             number        55
S       fraction of second           millis        978

z       time zone                    text          Pacific Standard Time; PST
Z       time zone offset/id          zone          -0800; -08:00; America/Los_Angeles

'       escape for text              delimiter
''      single quote                 literal       '



Return the current UTC date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. This will be UTC date. If a local date is needed see Today below that takes a timezone identifier.



Return the current UTC date as a fully ISO datetime string.


DateDiff(date1, date2, span)

Difference between two dates.

DateDiff("2023-01-01", "2023-01-08", "day")

-- Return value: 7
  • date1:String parseable string representing a date in ISO8601 format
  • date2:String parseable string representing a date
  • span:Enumeration hour | day | week | year

Returns an integer with the difference between the dates in with span as the unit


DateAdd(date, span, period)

Add a period from the date.

DateAdd('2023-01-01', 'day', 7)

-- Return value: 2023-01-08
  • date:String parseable string representing a date in ISO8601 format
  • span:Enumeration hour | day | week | year
  • period:Int count of the span unit

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format or ISO format (if span is hour)


DateSubtract(date, span, period)

Subtract a period from the date.

  • date:String parseable string representing a date in ISO8601 format
  • span:Enumeration hour | day | week | year
  • period:Int count of the span unit

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format or ISO format (if span is hour)


DateMove(date, move)

Move to a the start of a week, month or year.

DateMove("2022-03-12", "startOfWeek")
  • date:String parseable string representing a date in ISO8601 format
  • move:Enumeration startOfWeek | startOfMonth | startOfYear

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format



Convert markdown syntax to HTML

  • markdown:String valid Markdown

String with HTML syntax



Generate secure and unique id

  • None
  • String a unique id



Look up an environment variable

  • handle:String the handle of the env variable
  • String value of the env variable



Today in a specific timezone

Time zone id list is available at

  • id:String Time zone id
  • YYYY-MM-DD string for the day in the specified time zone



Last response object for any API call.


  • message - API call dependent message
  • result - boolean