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Manage dispatch membership in buckets

General bucket management

These functions can create and then add/remove dispatches from buckets. The other functions are built on these.


    core.AddDispatchToBucket({bucketId="..", dispatchId=".."})

Add a dispatch to a bucket.

  • bucketId: bucket id
  • dispatchId: dispatch to add
  • Boolean


    core.RemoveDispatchFromBucket({bucketId="..", dispatchId=".."})

Remove a dispatch from a bucket.

  • bucketId: bucket id
  • dispatchId: dispatch to add
  • Boolean

User buckets


    core.AddUserBucketDispatch({ownerId="..", dispatchId="..", handle=".."})

Add a dispatch to a user bucket identified by handle.

  • ownerId: user owner of the bucket
  • dispatchId: dispatch to add
  • handle: handle of the bucket
  • Boolean


    core.RemoveUserBucketDispatch({ownerId="..", dispatchId=".."})

Remove a dispatch from a user bucket identified by the owner.

  • ownerId: user owner of the bucket
  • dispatchId: dispatch to add
  • Boolean

Dispatch buckets


    core.AddDispatchBucketDispatch({ownerId="..", dispatchId=".."})

Add a dispatch to a dispatch bucket identified by the owner.

  • ownerId: dispatch owner of the bucket
  • dispatchId: dispatch to add
  • Boolean


    core.RemoveDispatchBucketDispatch({ownerId="..", dispatchId=".."})

Remove a dispatch from a dispatch bucket identified by the owner.

  • ownerId: dispatch owner of the bucket
  • dispatchId: dispatch to add
  • Boolean


    core.UserBucketLookup({ownerId="..", handle=".."})

Lookup the bucket id for a user bucket by handle; this will create the bucket if it does not already exist

  • ownerId: user owner of the bucket
  • handle: bucket handle
  • UUID


    core.VerifyBucketEntity({entityId="..", kind="..", handle=".."})

Create or verify a bucket exists

  • entityId: user owner of the bucket
  • kind: org | user | dispatch | group ..
  • handle: optional handle for the bucket; each handle creates a unique bucket
  • id for the bucket


kind: String, handle: Option[String], entityId:Option[String]


kind: String, handle: Option[String], entityId:Option[String], bucketId: Option[String]


kind: String, handle: Option[String], entityId:Option[String], bucketId: Option[String]

case LuaFn.VerifyBucketOwner ⇒ verifyBucketEntity(coerceBucketEntity) case LuaFn.AddBucketEntityRelation ⇒ addEntityToBucket(coerceBucketEntity) case LuaFn.RemoveBucketEntityRelation ⇒ removeEntityFromBucket(coerceBucketEntity)