Behavior definition
- handle
- behavior: enumeration
- target: query string | $sink | $source | $all
- fields: parameter for the behavior
- data: JSON for the behavior
- templates: string [] with paths that should be processed with ParseTemplate
Also available to each behavior is the original payload used to create the inbox event.
The templates parameter can contain paths that should be used to process the behavior defintion on the client using parse template. Both the current user profile and the original payload data will be available to the template.
Behavior options
- ux - perform a client side ux transition
- close
- automatic - perform an automatic action
- open
- dispatch - create a dispatch
- form - open a form
- chat - open a chat channel with the original sender
- layout - open a layout
- wiki - open a wiki page
- managedChat - open a managed chat
- schedule - start a schedule creation
- payment - start processing payment
Option details
Any data values will be merged into the dispatch when created. The tracker will come from fields and will be processed by the template parser combined with the data payload of the inbox object.
The tracker id comes from "fields" and can be populated using templates.
Managed chat
The destination id comes from "fields" and can be populated using templates.